what the literal fuck are you doing?
he is not your home, he hasn’t been in so long that even soft poetic souls know it’s time to let him go.
you piece of shit. you never were good at things like this.
you think because you loved him, it means he owes you the time of day? he didn’t ask for this. he didn’t ask you to stay.
what are you doing? you know better than this. your teeth are knives and you are stone dragon. stop being soft for him. close off your ribs. close off your tongue, your spine, your lips. you aren’t supposed to care like this, like he’s the center of your happiness.
why do you gotta be so fucking caught up in him? why couldn’t you just call it quits? what are you doing?
why do you even give a shit?"
[Love] Letters to Myself // r.i.d
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