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Showing posts from July, 2015
Dear Diary There is a truth I want to Lie about.  A little secret I want to keep.  About the way his hands fit in mine,  and the way his kisses put me to sleep.  There's a lot of him I talk about.  A lot more that's just for me.  Like the way he smiles.  and the way  he makes me feel.  


They are 14 boys whose names you should remember.  I am 90% sure you know them.  They said they met you one night.  You apparently like to wear black lingerie and red lipstick.  You also like your hair pulled and nipples bit.  Don't you remember?  I told you she was loose, she can't remember all 65 of the men she's fucked.

A love letter to my home village Kasane.

Dear Favorite place.  I'm coming home in december.  It has been four years but  I remember the way the green of the north is different from the green of the south.  The air is cooler up there right at the corner of Botswana.  My dad called today and said " Hi pumpkin, I'm in the middle of nowhere right in that corner of Botswana"  and I knew he was almost home.  And I know its 1000 Kilometers of not quite so tarred road.  And just 45 minutes of flight away.  But I'll take the long way.  So I can see it outside my window as I get closer.  You see just after francistown you can't really tell.  But right after Nata the worst part of the road you can tell you're in the Chobe.  You can smell it in the air. You can see it in that northern Green you Don't get anywhere else.  And you can see it in the white sands.  By now the elephants have come to play.  I can always tell ...
I heard you’ve been trying to find me in other people.  I was a little surprised when a short girl, who wears her hair the way I do, is my shade of brown showed up on my door step crying.  In between sobs, she asked why her man tastes like me.  And because I like to fix broken things I told her some things don’t go away like the acid of loving broken girls.  “Its just the after taste of 6 years of broken promises”  I said. But God she cried. She cried. So I kissed her.  She woke up in my bed this morning.  She says “ you don’t taste like him”  I was sad to know that all this pain is just on you.  I was kinda hoping I broke you too.