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Showing posts from February, 2014

Day1- A letter to your bestfriend

Is it a sin if I write 2? The reason is for some people they meet one person who understands their soul and they call them their best friend and for me I've met two different people who understand me so differently but who i love so fiercely I couldn't live without them. so here goes... Darling, I used to think that I knew nothing about you. That I opened myself to you and got nothing from you but hugs and condolences and tears about how i deserved better but not a single bit of you. Then i realized I never asked. Always so observed in myself that I never noticed that maybe unlike me who sprawls herself to whoever will listen, you needed prompting. But I have since learned that nothing anyone does has to do with me. And it makes smile that occasionally when the pressure of the things you bottle up inside cracks its me you call at 2 am in tears. And sure I have no fucken Idea why You're crying. And sure I've never met your man. Or remember his name because he never ...

30 Day Letter Challenge

Write a letter a day for 30 days The List 1 - Your Best Friend 2 - Your Crush 3 - Your parents 4 - Your sibling (or closest relative) 5 - Your dreams 6 - A stranger 7 - Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush 8 - Your favourite internet friend 9 - Someone you wish you could meet 10 - Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to 11 - A Deceased person you wish you could talk to 12 - The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain 13 - Someone you wish could forgive you 14 - Someone you've drifted away from 15 - The person you miss the most 16 - Someone that's not in your state/country 17 - Someone from your childhood 18 - The person that you wish you could be 19 - Someone that pesters your mind-good or bad 20 - The one that broke your heart the hardest 21 - Someone you judged by their first impression 22 - Someone you want to give a second chance to 23 - The last person you kissed 24 - The person that gave you your favourite memory ...


We're like withering roses me and you. This relationship isn't big enough for the both of us. It’s sad that some people suffocate in love or somewhere between it. Someone asked me what being in love feels like. I can't remember. All I remember is the consuming fear of losing you. Remind me darling.   I hate it when scars fade. That's when I forget all the burns, cuts and bruises. That's when I fall into your arms, forgetting that their safety once suffocated me.   That you once wept as you watched your too tight grasp leave me gasping and clawing at you.   Too selfish and scared to let go just a little. They won't stop asking why I won't leave you.   I've resolved to answering, "I'm a poet. What would I write about if not being in love with a man that thinks I'm pathetic" But we both know it’s nice to come back and be a mess again. I told you you're a lucky man. I didn't tell you I'm a lucky woman too. Ma...